We’re gonna be honest here, coming up with a pun this week was impossible…🤣 Hey ‘Canners, welcome to the 18th #ToucanTuesday article, where we’ll run you down on some of our updates this week, as well as announce a few winners 🏅
Number always come first 🤒:
Another crazy week for minting, we’re officially over 8500 mints, meaning there is less than 15% of the OneCan supply left 👏 (You might want to load up before the 🏝️, don’t FOMO at the end 😺) There have been 360 mints since last week, but something even crazier happened…
The last TwoCan was minted by none other than loyal Canner TreyCore! This means that there only exists:
6 Diamond beaks to be minted (45 Total, Floor: 3750 $One)
27 Gold beaks to be minted (172 Total, Floor: 1000 $One)
33 Crowns to be minted (226 Total, Floor: 500 $One)
60 Monocles to be minted (382 Total, , Floor: 124 $One)
Once again, volume on NFTKey is also rocketing along with mints 🔥 321 sales (69 sales this week) and 41.4k ONE in volume (6.8k ONE this week)👏
Last week we also announced a contest for the name of The Island, and made a poll with the 4 most popular name for the community to decide on their top 3 👏 The results can be seen below:
The team has yet to decide exactly what name is to be used, but these will definitely be used as inspiration for the final product: The Island BETA, coming to a web3 based website near you soon👀…
Now to get to your weekly leak until the official beta launch 🦜 Here’s a sneak peak of the first excerpt from The Island’s storyline🏝️📚:
“I remember it as if it were yesterday. A land laid to waste by seas of red, over-populated with polar bears, and temperatures that would freeze any living being in sight. A TwoCan like me would have never made it out of the Crypto Winter without perseverance and tremendous sacrifice. I needed answers — somewhere I could go to enjoy a harmonious life. After months of grueling travel, and many bridges crossed, I finally found somewhere I could call home: The Island.”
Thanks for joining us this week OneCan Fam, we will have much bigger stuff coming out in the next couple weeks💪 so sit tight, don’t worry so much about the short term numbers or movements⛵, because you’re in good hands 💖
Get your sunblock and sunglasses ready, because we’re off to The Island 😎🏝️
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