Hello OneCanners, welcome to our fifth #ToucanTuesday! We know we’ve been quite quiet as of late, but trust us, we’re busier than we’ve ever been! We’ve been working hard on developing The Island🏝️, as well as a few other fun and exciting additions to the OneCans project🦜.
Our community has held strong through this slow point in the market, our discord has stayed strong in numbers (Hovering around 330 members)📈! As we write this, the current mint count in 6675 OneCans, meaning less than one third of all OneCans to ever be minted are available to mint, and these birds will be the key 🗝️ to accessing the features of The Island.
With the updates out of the way, here are a few more sneak peaks on some new designs for The Island, but we cant explain how they’ll be used just yet🤭:
I know this week’s update was not as insane as the past few weeks, but we just have many exciting things that we cant reveal just yet 🤫. Keep checking every Tuesday, we will have exciting news every week to share with you guys!
Links to OneCan Media:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Tz6swKHtCE
Telegram: https://t.me/OneCans
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneCanNFT