Hey ‘Canners, welcome to the 22nd #ToucanTuesday article (you seriously thought the puns were over huh?😅).
Well, we’re very proud to say the #OneCanFam has been in existence for 6 months. We wanted to take a moment to commemorate our journey so far, and give a taste of what’s to come with the Peninsula of VolCan 🏝️ 👀
But … before we do that, let’s check the NFTKEY 🔑 marketplace stats:
Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: 69420 $ONE
Diamond Beak💎: 2950 $ONE
Gold Beak🥇: 1900 $ONE
Alien👽: 333 $ONE
Zombie🧟: 142 $ONE
Skeleton💀: 111 $ONE
Crown👑: 447 $ONE
Monocles🧐: 150 $ONE
Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 853 OneCans
Listings: 527
Volume: 119.64k $ONE/ 22.26k USD
Floor Price: 95 $ONE
As you can see, the floor price for nearly all attributes has risen since last week, in fact the cheapest bird is listed nearly at mint price! 💸
The Journey (6 months of ‘Canning)
Launch 🚀
Back in September, we launched with the hopes of building a beautiful community and raising capital to build a game for the Harmony One ecosystem to enjoy. We can happily say our beautiful community is growing… and the full-game is being developed (congrats to the Beta-testing whitelisters 😻)
Can Francisco 🏙️
In the first week of December, our core team had the chance to visit the Day ONE Harmony One conference in San Francisco. We had the chance to meet Stephen Tse, Li Jiang, and tons of other creators who happily gave their perspectives on the direction Harmony One ecosystem 🔼
Mint Out ✔️
At the end of February, we achieved a VERY important milestone … we minted out! All 10,000 ‘Cans in the flock found a home, and the team went Cananas 🍌
Closed-Beta: Peninsula of VolCan 🏝️
Last week, we’re happy to say that just over 100 of our whitelisters had an opportunity to visit the Peninsula of VolCan (https://beta.onecan.one/). Having multiple members of the #OneCanFam interact and socialize on the Peninsula of VolCan was a surreal moment for us, and showed us how far you can go with such a strong community ❤️.
Next phase of the Peninsula of VolCan 🏝️:
Now that we’ve released the Closed-Beta, you may be wondering what’s next👀.
Although we don’t have a concrete date yet, the Open-Beta will be launched soon. This iteration of the Beta will include a cool new map 🗺️, different characters 🤵, and a … mini-game 🕹️?! (shhhh don’t tell anyone ❗️)
The team, as always, is hard at work to ensure this rollout of the Open-Beta is as smooth as possible. In the meantime, we want to take the time to thank EVERYONE who has supported our project 😄 — but perhaps most importantly to those whitelisters who have provided VERY valuable feedback to the team (we will not forget to take care of you 😉).
In addition to the Open-Beta, we’re putting together a new and improved Road Map 🛣️ for our community, so please keep your eyes 👀 wide open for that.
That’s it for this week ‘Canners! Remember: If OneCan, we all can 🤝.
Links to OneCan Media: