Hello ‘Canners 👋 welcome to the 27th #ToucanTuesday article. As per usual, this weeks article will cover our weekly progress 👏 We are gearing up for all the exciting things coming out over the next few weeks 😈More on that later 😯
These NFTKey stats need some covering before we get to the juicy stuff 🔑:
Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: 69420 $ONE
Diamond Beak💎: 4000 $ONE
Gold Beak🥇: 1250 $ONE
Alien👽: 199 $ONE (Next at 375)
Zombie🧟: 130 $ONE (Next one at 220 👀)
Skeleton💀: 100 $ONE
Crown👑: 777 $ONE
Monocles🧐: 120 $ONE
Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 1106 OneCans
Listings: 332
Volume: 147.76k $ONE/ 26.17k USD
Floor Price: 65 $ONE
Crown floor has BOOMED, and all the higher-end Cans floor’s are holding strong 👏 Just imagine what happens when we drop The Island 👀 The supply of Cans on NFTKey has decreased every week for the past month; there is less than 3.35% of the supply available on secondary 😳 Floor price is being suppressed by a select few wallets, but even then, there are only 27 OneCans listed for below mint 😵 WAGMI Canners 😈
Did someone say GitBook?:
Today we launched our gitbook, the live document we’ll be using to post the most up-to-date OneCan info 😃 We’ll be announcing any updates to the document, but we heavily recommend reading through the gitbook to get a holistic view of the project 👓
There may also be a little #alpha on the Land Plots included in there 👀
Bi-weekly AMA:
This week we’ll be hosting our second bi-weekly AMA 👏 Join us on the discord to ask your questions, or just hang out 😄 (Whitelisters, we’ll be hanging around The Island)
One participant today will win a ‘Can, so come join us for a fun afternoon on The Peninsula of VolCan🌴🌋
Updates on Production:
We’ve had to shift our focus onto onboarding new members to the team, especially on the art and development front, because we realized that we need more man-power 💪 These will be the members to help us create our vision of The Island 🌴
Your patience will soon be heavily rewarded in form of sunny skies and golden sand 😎 ☀️ 🌴
Thank you for reading this week Canners, this update was a tad short, but that’s only because most of the work this week went into building a faultless foundation 💪🗼
We’ll see you Canners next week, we got some foundation to build 👷 🏃
Links to OneCan Media:
Talk Harmony