Hello OneCanners, here we go again with #ToucanTuesday 🐣 If you’re new here, first of all WELCOME, this is our weekly article where we run down this week’s achievements🏅
We’ve cracked 7000 mints🎉 (7072 as we type this, meaning ~29.3% of the supply is left😱). During this week, minting definitely took off once again, over 230 ‘Cans were minted over the past 7 days 🦜. Not only has minting picked up again, but the folks at NFTKEY listed our OneCans on their marketplace, with 176 listings and 31 sales in less than 2 days (This is the second highest volume of any Harmony NFT on the platform 🥂)
The marketplace can be found at: https://nftkey.app/collections/onecan/ (PSST, a Diamond beak just sold for 1400 $One, which we think is a steal💰)
Besides all the exciting things coming along on the minting/marketplace front, the team is adding finishing touches to The Island🏝️, and all the pieces are getting themselves ready for a HYPE PRE-LAUNCH🚀🔥.
We hope the #OneCanFam had an awesome holiday season⛄, and since this is our last post before the new year🧨, we wanted to wish you all a healthy, fruitful, and positive new year✨ You guys have helped us create a dream project of ours in 2021💭, and we plan to make this bigger than anyone could have expected in 2022🚀 Have a wonderful holidays, and we’ll talk with you guys next week (and year 😉).
Links to OneCan Media:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Tz6swKHtCE
Talk Harmony: https://talk.harmony.one/u/onecannft/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneCanNFT