Canners, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, but we are back for another #ToucanTuesday🐦 article. Legend says families across the world will soon gather around the fireplace or dinner table to read #ToucanTuesday articles. Feels good to be early doesn’t it?
Let’s start off with a stats update. We’ve seen about 125 mints this week, which means we’re up to 7426 mints💹! As we approach dangerously close to the 75% minted mark, here are some notable characteristics of the ‘Cans to be minted:
Gold Beaks Left: 46 (Floor 600 $ONE)
Diamond Beaks Left: 10 (Floor 1.5k $ONE)
TwoCans Left: 1 (Floor 6.5k $ONE)
The NFTKEY marketplace has been a great service to use for our community. We’ve seen volume reach 19.4k $ONE, and 125 completed sales. If you’d like to buy or sell some ‘Cans, visit the marketplace yourself:
Our week was highlighted by community building. With our Devs still hard at work on The Island🏝, our focus is to make the #OneCanFam as organically grown as possible. Our Discord family almost reaching 400 members, as well as our Twitter nearing 1.5k followers is amazing to us, and it will be sweet to reward our followers once our next phases of launch are released!
The BlackZen OneCan airdrop is almost concluded as well! As Harmony has been dealing with RPC issues, we would have liked to get them out sooner. Nonetheless, anyone with 2 or more OneCans as of January 1st has been airdropped the BlackZen OneCan, and can view it on their account.
In addition to community building, we have a few collaborations with other Harmony projects on the way … so keep your eyes peeled for that👀.
To be clear: updates to the roadmap, the launch of our next phase, and many more things are coming. We appreciate the patience of our community so much!
Remember: If OneCan, we all can.
Talk Harmony: