I’ve a feeling we’re not in CanSas anymore….🤠🩰

2 min readFeb 8, 2022


We must be over the CanBow!

We’re still not out of puns 😂 Hey Canners, welcome to the 17th #ToucanTuesday article, where finally we can start getting the community involved in some decisions for The Island 🏝️So get you creative caps on and lets get started 🔥

As per usual, lets begin with the numbers 📋 (I know, gross):

Our friend and OG investor Gnarwhal has called the 8000 mint point a crucial milestone, and we’ve reached it 👏 As we type this, we’re at 8143 mints, meaning there have been 320 ‘Cans minted in the past week 🤯 People are still chasing that last elusive TwoCan 🦜

Not only are mints doing well, but the secondary market is also on fire 🔥 NFTKey volume has grown significantly, with 252 sales (77 sales this week) and 34.6k ONE in volume (6.9k ONE this week)👏

NFTKey Marketplace Stats

Now that the nerdy stuff has been discussed, lets move onto the fun stuff ➡️ The plan for the island is ambitious, and we appreciate your patience through this time, and we think its time now that we get YOU guys involved for the next steps:

We’ve been brainstorming on names for The Island, but we thought we’d turn to our amazing community for their ideas and input 🧠

We will be holding a giveaway across the discord and twitter to choose the name for the Island ✨The three best names will be dropped OneCans, and if we end up using one of the names, that person will be dropped an additional two OneCans 🪂

Keep an eye out for the competition 👀

Name the Island 🗿🏝️ (Yes, this picture is purposely pixelated, cant give too much away 😉)

Once again, thank you beautiful Canners for reading this weeks #ToucanTuesday article, every week were getting closer to the next steps, and we will keep you guys updated along the way ⭐ We hope you all have a great week, and just remember, if One Can, We All Can🦜

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Talk Harmony




Written by OneCan

OneCans is a set of 10,000 randomly generated NFT’s housed on the Harmony chain that aims to decrease the price for entry into the NFT collection space.

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