Keep it CanDid 🧀📷

2 min readApr 26, 2022


Hello our beautiful Canners 💁 Welcome to the 28th #ToucanTuesday article 🚿 This week has some exciting things in store, so make sure to stay updated on all things OneCans😎

Now, lets get to the NFTKey stats, they’re quite interesting this week 👀:

Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: 69420 $ONE
Diamond Beak💎: 3900 $ONE
Gold Beak🥇: 1000 $ONE
Alien👽: 375 $ONE (Was 199 $ONE last week)
Zombie🧟: 200 $ONE (Was 130 $ONE last week)
Skeleton💀: 120 $ONE
Crown👑: 1000 $ONE (Was 777 $ONE last week)
Monocles🧐: 161.66 $ONE

Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 1173 OneCans
Listings: 332
Volume: 155.87k $ONE/ 27.13k USD
Floor Price: 80 $ONE

Floor price up over 23% in a week, Zombies up over 53%, and Aliens over 88% up 😵 We know these floors were only held by a few birds, but we blew through them 👏 It seems that people can feel the trembles in their feet 🌴 👀 🌴 There are now only 16 Cans listed below mint, and less than 3.35% of supply is listed on secondary markets… if that doesn’t scream bullish, what does ❗️ ❓

Dev team officially onboarded:
Canners, we’re excited to announce that we’ve onboarded 3 game developers on the team 👏 This allows Karpapy to really focus on our smart contract development, and will speed up the game updates throughout the next week 😄 We’re growing quicker by the day, the OneCan team is now 11 strong, and will just keep getting stronger from here 💪

Canners, we’re gonna keep this one short and sweet 🍬 We’re into the building>writing phase, so don’t expect many detailed updates until… BANG, it hits you in the face 💥 We’ve got some tricks up our sleeves, and might have some 🪂 in the arsenal as well 👀

Thank you for reading today Canners, we’re some truly busy bees this week, and it will all come together very soon 😎 Now we’re gonna cut it here, we gotta EXECUTE 🔫

Links to OneCan Media:
Talk Harmony




Written by OneCan

OneCans is a set of 10,000 randomly generated NFT’s housed on the Harmony chain that aims to decrease the price for entry into the NFT collection space.

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