Hey OneCanners to the sixth #ToucanTuesday! The team has been hard at work 👔 getting the next steps ironed out, so that means you guys get some basic updates as well as some more sneak peaks this week!😶🌫️
Over the past week, we surpassed 6720 mints! 📈 We have to thank the OneCans community for holding strong is this development stage, we will make you guys all very proud!💪🦍The Island is approaching the final development steps, and we will keep you guys updated as we progress.🏝️
The updates were quite basic today, but we hope that these Island updates will get you guys excited🥳:
The art is getting colored as we speak, and should be getting their final renderings in the next couple weeks! Once again, use-cases are up to you guys to find out, unless you can wait patiently until The Island is live!
Thank for checking in for this weeks #ToucanTuesday, we like to keep these short and sweet, so make sure to check in for next weeks update!
Links to OneCan Media:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Tz6swKHtCE
Telegram: https://t.me/OneCans
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneCanNFT