Welcome to the official Medium page for the OneCans NFT Project! If you’re reading this, you’re either already a member of the OneCan fam, or thinking about it (OneCans don’t bite 😉)
This is the first #ToucanTuesday medium post. We’ll continue posting our updates and announcements on Tuesdays, so keep your eyes peeled 👀
We’re currently running a giveaway on the OneCan Twitter (@OneCanNFT) to win this handsome ‘Can.
Make sure to follow our Twitter, as well as join our discord (https://discord.gg/KZNAyaGT57). We will keep everyone updated weekly on this page, but the discord is active at all hours of the day, and will be the most efficient medium (get it? 🤭) for communication and announcements!
Join the OneCan Fam for only 100 $One at OneCan.one and join one of the quickest organically growing communities in Harmony!