Hey Canners 🙌 Welcome to our 40th #ToucanTuesday 🎊 Last week we gave you guys some updates on the open beta and mini-games, so this week’s will be short as we wrap up those last features, and explain some of the conclusions we’ve reached over the past couple of weeks🔨 Before we update you guys further, let’s get to the NFTKey stats 🔑
Secondary Market Stats
Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: N/A (None listed 👀)
Diamond Beak💎: 3900 $ONE
Gold Beak🥇: 1800 $ONE
Alien👽: 260 $ONE
Zombie🧟: 130 $ONE
Skeleton💀: 150 $ONE
B&W⚫️: 125 $ONE
Crown👑: 500 $ONE
Monocles🧐: 351 $ONE
Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 1578 OneCans
Listings: 212
Volume: 264.01k $ONE/ 32.2k USD
Floor Price: 110 $ONE
The floors are still holding well 💪 As we all know, the ecosystem has taken a little bit of a tumble, but our community is holding strong 💑We’ve been quietly working on these next steps, which are all interconnected, so let’s give you guys an update
Many things have caused delays in our releases, such as the market tumble, the Horizon bridge hack, and general obstacles in development. We just want the Canners to know that we’re working just as hard as before, we just have had to keep things a little under wraps as we solidify our future plans 🙌
We’re more motivated than ever to release our never-before-seen in-game on-chain economy, as well as updates to the map, new mini games, and much more (Many of which are quite literally on the last step of development and moving to the testing phase) 👀 But we have decided to keep things internal as a way to minimize our exposure to any external problems (problems out of our control), which would hinder development and project growth
One more time to really reinforce our message: Our commitment and loyalty as project developers is directed solely to our investors. We have vested interest in seeing any ecosystem we build on thrive, but our actions will always prioritize the interest of OneCan investors
Our current point of view is that Harmony is where OneCan was born, and as long as Harmony is a chain, we will be a part of it. This does not mean it will be the only chain we will ever build on, but for the foreseeable future we don’t benefit (therefore do not have any interest) in completely migrating to a new blockchain
Now with all that out of the way, just know that we have many things coming to The Island that have taken us months to plan and think through, which we believe will change the game for GameFi (Wordplay intended 😉)
We are focusing on the “game” portion of GameFi. Do you want to read more about our tokenomics, which will be the driving force behind this “GAMEfi” idea? Check it out here:
OG Canners know us by now, but for those of you that are new: we do things a little differently than other projects on-chain. We take our time to build quality products, and The Island is no exception 🚧
Cave plots are being designed as we speak, the artwork is being finalized, and a complete overhaul of our landing page is being done. We’re taking steps to professionalize and release a truly groundbreaking product, and your guys’ patience is what allows us to take the time to build great things 💪
Keep your eyes peeled, and don’t ever disrespect the Canners. We’re going to truly surprise everyone 👀
Enough explaining, we gotta get back to work🏃
Links to OneCan Media:
Talk Harmony