The Public Roadmap is here: Enter now or suffer the CanSequences 🙈

4 min readMar 29, 2022


Hey ‘Canners, welcome to the 24th #ToucanTuesday article, one that will clarify and cement 🚚 the next stage for The Peninsula of VolCan 🌋 and the OneCans project as a whole 👀

Before we do this though, let’s begin with the numbers 😬 on NFTKEY 🔑:

Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: 69420 $ONE
Diamond Beak💎: 3540 $ONE
Gold Beak🥇: 1000 $ONE
Alien👽: 296 $ONE
Zombie🧟: 144 $ONE
Skeleton💀: 111 $ONE
Crown👑: 600 $ONE
Monocles🧐: 175 $ONE

Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 934 OneCans
Listings: 504
Volume: 128.21k $ONE/ 23.42k USD
Floor Price: 87 $ONE

Crowns have shot up in price 🙋 it might have to do with some #alpha 🌱 that was dropped on one of our impromptu Island seshes 🌴 announced on the discord 👀

Apes and ‘Cans are officially friends!
Last week we announced a partnership with the Harmon Ape team 😃 This week we will be holding a Discord AMA on the Harmon Ape discord (10am PDT on Wednesday) ( 🙌

Make sure to stop on by and ask any questions related to either project 💭

New Canimations 👀 :
I hope you guys bought a Gold beak! The animations for the gold beaks have come in, and they look extra luxurious 💸

Your gold beaks will soon be useable on the Open Beta 😄

Did someone say facelift?
Our developers have been hard at work developing the Peninsula of VolCan 🌋, but as a part of the rebranding work being done for the next steps, they’ve given the website a facelift 😛 Check the website out later today for the update 👀

What you’ve all been waiting for… THE ROADMAP (or what we like to call, the CanTinerary 😉):

You’ve been asking for it, and we’re here to deliver it 📬 This roadmap demonstrates the general direction the OneCans project will go down for the foreseeable future 🌝

As the CanTinerary 📑 goes further in the future, the ideas become purposely more vague for two reasons:

  1. It allows us to choose how a feature or mechanic is implemented when we get closer to a goal ⛳️
  2. It allows us to keep you guys on your toes 😉

So as you’ll see, Q2 is where we will be starting the new ideas 💭 (as Q1 is coming to a close 🔐), and we will describe to you guys our overall outlook for the rest of the year ⛅️

Without further ado, here is the CanTinerary:

If you’re looking for a more in-depth version, we’ve included explanations of many points below:

Q4 2021:

  • ✔️ Build community (Discord, Twitter, Talk Harmony, etc)
  • ✔️ Attend DayONE Harmony One conference in San Francisco
    – Met core Harmony team
  • ✔️ Begin promoting and growing the community
  • ✔️ Launch OneCans NFT
    – Launched website, deployed custom minting contract
  • ✔️ Get listed on NFTKEY secondary marketplace

Q1 2022:

  • ✔️ Onboard a team of artists to make custom artwork for the Peninsula of VolCan
  • ✔️ Mint all 10,000 OneCan NFTs
  • ✔️ Develop the infrastructure for a social multiplayer metaverse game
    – Launched closed beta version of Peninsula of VolCan

Q2 2022:

  • Create custom artwork for maps and characters
    – World expands over time
  • Develop immersive lore surrounding the Peninsula of VolCan and its inhabitants
  • Add ability to use your OneCan as playable character in-game
  • Introduce OneCan Island Activities
    – Single player games (FlappyCans), party/head-to-head games, and real-time community events (Tag, CTF)
    – Scheduled events and competitions
  • Launch grant proposal on Talk Harmony to raise capital for further game development
  • Introduce Governance
    – OneCan NFT’s will be used to vote in community proposals on
  • Launch Land Plots

Q3 2022 (Firm, but subject to change):

  • Launch useable in-game NFT items
  • Incorporate Seasons mechanic
    – The world changes with each season as the story progresses
  • Expand the Peninsula of VolCan and its activities
    – New maps, characters, mini-games, etc.
  • Create in-game economy 😉
  • Introduce the cross-project metaverse

Q4 2022+ (Subject to change):

  • Make OneCans breedable
    – BabyCans, with use-cases in-game
  • Create SanctuaryDAO
    – Primary purpose of the DAO will be to fund a Toucan sanctuary in Costa Rica
  • Begin cross-chain expansion

These are exciting times, and now that you guys know what we have planned, it’s time to put this b***h in turbo 👀 🚀 🌕

Links to OneCan Media:

Talk Harmony




Written by OneCan

OneCans is a set of 10,000 randomly generated NFT’s housed on the Harmony chain that aims to decrease the price for entry into the NFT collection space.

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