There once was a Can from CanTucket 🎵

4 min readApr 12, 2022


Salutations ‘Canners 🤠 you’ve made it to the 26th #ToucanTuesday article ✋ This week will cover our updates and plans for the Peninsula of VolCan 🌋over the next few weeks 👏

You KNOW we gotta cover those NFTKey stats before the juicy stuff 🤤:

Floor Prices:
TwoCan2️⃣: 69420 $ONE
Diamond Beak💎: 2500 $ONE (This is an ABSOLUTE steal 😉)
Gold Beak🥇: 1000 $ONE
Alien👽: 200 $ONE
Zombie🧟: 130 $ONE (Next one at 200 👀)
Skeleton💀: 140 $ONE
Crown👑: 300 $ONE
Monocles🧐: 161.66 $ONE

Marketplace Stats 📈:
Sales: 1030 OneCans
Listings: 360
Volume: 140.5k $ONE/ 25.3k USD
Floor Price: 79 $ONE

As we can see, only 3.6% of the supply is listed on the market, the OneCan Fam is 💎👐 as we work on the Island 🚧 🌴 Floor prices are steadily going up, and the buyers this week were more focused on the top tier birds 👑 💎🥇 On top of this, there are only 26 birds listed for under mint price (0.26% of supply), so if you’re thinking of hopping into the OneCan Fam, this might be the perfect time, don’t wait too long, anon 😉

Official “Before and After” on your OneCans NFTs:
We’ve shown you guys sneak peaks 🔍 here and there on how OneCans will look on the Island 🌴 but we wanted to give our Canners everything in one place 🙌

Below you will see how your OneCans will be translated on the Island 😄 Base type and beak type will be the only things used at first, but other attributes will be considered in the future 😉

There will obviously be gold and diamond beak versions of every bird, but we didn't want to spam you guys with every SINGLE combination 😝 Without further ado, here are your characters ❗❗❗

The regular OneCan
Skelly boy 💀
Back from the dead 🧟
Coloured TV’s !?!? 🕵🏽‍♂️
Not from this planet 👾
Did someone say BOUJEE??? 🥇
If gold wasn’t enough… 💎
The most treasured of them all ✨

Stress Test:
As a community event, we’re going to be holding a “stress test” on the Island for all whitelisters 👏 this will be more for fun and games, as we will be playing games like tag, but it will also give us some insight as to how the server will act with a major load of users 👀

So please, hop on today at 5pm PDT (April 12, 2022 at 5pm PDT/8pm EST/ 12am UTC) to play games, hang out with the community, and win some prizes 😉 These events are currently only available to whitelisters, but will soon be available to all with the open beta ❤️

Updates on our production:
There have been delays in certain things, like the ability to choose your own OneCan as your character for the Island 🐣 Just know that these things have been moved to being released alongside the open-beta, which should launch in the same timeframe as the grant proposal 👏 (Next couple of weeks)

There is a lot of work being done in the background: we’re onboarding new developers to help Karpapy with the development of the Island 💻 and finishing the art for the new custom map, which should be live for the open beta 😸

Thank you for reading our 26th #ToucanTuesday article OneCan Fam, we’re laying the foundation to quickly accelerate into a full game 😎 The focus switched from directly developing, to training those that will help us, which is why we are slightly delayed 👟 but we believe this will pay dividends in the future

See you guys next week, we gotta get to work 🏃💼

Links to OneCan Media:
Talk Harmony




Written by OneCan

OneCans is a set of 10,000 randomly generated NFT’s housed on the Harmony chain that aims to decrease the price for entry into the NFT collection space.

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