Toucan Tuesday AMA #1 (April 5, 2022)

6 min readApr 6, 2022


Here you go for those that missed it: The transcript of our first Toucan Tuesday AMA! If you have any more questions, throw them in the “ama-questions” chat on the discord for next the next AMA on April 19th, 2022 😎

Will there be any advantages to holding multiple OneCans?
There will be certain perks and/or airdrops for holders of many OneCans. Aside from that, there will be added mechanics for multiple birds, such as breeding (for the moment 😉)

Is there any plan to utilize rarity traits in game? How will they be used
Yes, we actually designed our own rarity algorithm since we were not happy with the current rarity ranking system most places use. This rarity algorithm will prioritize beak type and base type, as well as providing a “rarity boost” to both the crowns and monocles. The rarity of your bird will affect how you get to breed your OneCans… more will be explained in the future 😉

Will you be adding game support for metamask mobile
This is a priority for the full launch, but before tackling the mobile controls, we will be building out the basics of the gameplay, art and map!

Will we be able to “fly” or jump around the map?
We plan to implement a dash/sprint function, which will use the flying bird animation! As for actual flying in the game, that may be a mechanic for the future, but for now there is no flying/fast travel

Where do you see the project in 12 months time?
Besides the roadmap that we released in last weeks medium article, we plan to continuously expand the game through our Seasons mechanic, allowing us to continuously progress the story-line while we add new features and characters!

Will traits connect with in-game abilities?
Currently there is no specific plan to use all traits in a specific manner, but they will definitely play a role in the rarity of your bird. This will definitely be revisited when we flesh out the game itself 😄

What social/collaborative elements can we expect?
On top of the mini-games that were announced, our team plans to implement tools to play games such as tag or capture the flag on the main map 🤯 this allows us to organize community events and competitions, and allows people to play their own games while roaming the Island 😃

Will toucans get names?
Currently, the idea is that you get to name your character in the game, used more so as an identifier/username when playing the game 👍

Will there be a ‘OneCan’ coin? Can you share any information on what the tokenomics of the project might look like long term?
We have looked into the process of releasing a token quite extensively, and the conclusion we came to is that if we want to be a project with longevity, we have to give the coin ample use cases, or else the price is too dependent on speculation. Without releasing another DEX on the harmony chain to extract fees from, we would be scrambling to incentivize people to hold the coin, so instead of following the pack, we will flesh out the game (even if that requires building an in-game economy in a different way), and once enough use-cases/options are introduced for the coin, a coin will likely be launched 😊

Do you plan on having your own DEX?
This was also something discussed, but we would prefer to focus on developing the best game we can. A DEX would require a lot of liquidity to be viable, and when there are perfectly good DEX’s already being used on Harmony, we feel like it is not the best use of our team’s time. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it 😈

With only 1 OneCan am I able to be successful in this game or do I need to purchase multiple?
One OneCan will allow you to access the game and its features, but some mechanics will be limited to holders of multiple OneCans (and potentially other items), such as breeding 😄

What makes your project better than the others?
We don’t like to directly compare ourselves against other projects, but we can definitely tell you guys that we’re a very talented development team. We have extensive experience with all sorts of development, community management, marketing, music production, and we’ve now been joined by an insanely talented team of artists designing all the art for our game. We’re starting small and organic, but as we begin raising capital and creating a bigger team, there’s nowhere to go but up 🚀 On top of this, we have been incredibly lucky with the community we have been granted with 🥰 the vibes are always immaculate on the server and the positivity is infectious 💓 In the end, our skills have been an important factor in our success, but more importantly, the community has backed us since Day 1. We wouldn’t be here without you guys, and you guys are what really make us better than other projects 🤙

What was the start or vision of this project?
The project started with 5 friends who started collecting NFT’s, and realized that they wanted to try making their own line. Once they realized how awesome it was to build a community of loyal collectors, they went on to learn game development and launch one of the first mainnet multiplayer social games on harmony (Still in closed beta 😉). Now that we’re here, we plan to expand the game, and create a place where people can hang out and socialize in the Island metaverse 😄

What would you call the genre of the game that you are building?
We have a few inspirations in the current gaming space, but the genre would likely be a party game in the beginning stages. The gameplay specifics are yet to be released, but were very excited

Will there be summoning of any kind?
As mentioned in the roadmap, breeding is a mechanic that we are planning to be very fundamental to the expansion of our game. So yes, breeding (or summoning) will be present in the game, just not SUPER soon 😄

How are you going to keep the project alive once the game comes out?
We will be holding regular events and competitions on the Island, as well as introducing new NFT’s such as land plots (that might have some pretty fun tooling 😉) and other collections that will continue to expand what is possible in the game. ’Tis but the beginning!

Excuse me sir, but I would very much like to ask… Wen Moon?
Ah, the age old question. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m definitely getting my space suit ordered online RIGHT now, who knows when Elon is gonna come calling 😉

How big do we plan on the island being? Assuming hundreds of players, things could get crowded without multiple servers or a large enough island
The Island is actually quite expansive. Currently, just on this initial portion of the Island called the “Peninsula of VolCan”, we are planning on having 5 playable regions: The beach village, the Volcano, the Toucan Cave, the jungle, and The Typhoon Tycoon’s yacht (What’s that, alpha?!?!)

Concept art for the Peninsula of VolCan

Any plans on applying for a Harmony grant?
Yes! That’s actually an action item for Q2 for out team, it is currently being worked on and will release soon 😄

Will rarity of the OneCan impact my ability to progress through the game?
No it will not! The fundamental gameplay will be available to all holders of OneCans, there will just be advantages given to those with rarer ‘Cans (according to our own rarity equation) 😉

Can you ensure that the island music makes me feel like I’m in my speedo on the shores of Palawan ?
This is the exact vibe we’re going for, and cryptocojak will make sure your dreams come true 🎶

Are you able to integrate other NFT projects into this game?
This is our plan, yes! Once we get the foundation down, we will be contacting other teams and exploring the possibilities of collaborating and bringing them onto the Island 👀

Remember to tune is for the next Toucan Tuesday AMA on April 19, 2022 😈




Written by OneCan

OneCans is a set of 10,000 randomly generated NFT’s housed on the Harmony chain that aims to decrease the price for entry into the NFT collection space.

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