Hey ‘Canners, welcome to the 19th #ToucanTuesday article, we’re happy to be here with you ❤️ Let’s get started 🦜
As per usual, lets get to the numbers📋:
Following the last two insane weeks of high mint numbers, WE’VE BEAT BOTH OF THEM BY A COUNTRY MILE 🏃 We’re into the 9000s, meaning were getting closer and closer to mint-out as we near the Island 😱 We’re at 9157 mints (654 mints in a week 😵) meaning there is less than 8.5% of the supply left…🤯
Now, let’s get onto the marketplace stats📋 there exists:
Diamond Beaks: 4 Left to be minted(45 Total Floor: 2950 $One)
Gold Beaks: 14 Left to be minted (172 Total Floor: 800 $One)
Crown: 18 Left to be minted (226 Total Floor: 190 $One)
Monocles: 35 Left to be minted (382 Total, Floor: 120 $One)
Again, along with increased mints, volume on NFTKey is also booming 🚀 456 sales (135 sales this week) and 58.97k ONE in volume (17.57k ONE this week)👏
Now we get to the part of the article that most people find fun: The spoilers 😉 Did you guys remember what we posted last week? If not, here it is, PLUS MORE 😈
“I remember it as if it were yesterday. A land laid to waste by seas of red, over-populated with polar bears, and temperatures that would freeze any living being in sight. A TwoCan like me would have never made it out of the Crypto Winter without perseverance and tremendous sacrifice. I needed answers — somewhere I could go to enjoy a harmonious life. After months of grueling travel, and many bridges crossed, I finally found somewhere I could call home: The Island. Hi, I’m Harmony the TwoCan, and let me tell you about my community.
Upon my arrival to The Island, I was immediately struck by the diversity within the community.
[Mayor McFUD interrupts]…”
We like to tease you guys 😉 Say hello to Harmony the TwoCan, the protagonist for the Island 😊 We also added a little extra at the end there, but we don’t want to give too much away 🤫
Thanks for joining us this week #OneCanFam, super exciting stuff is in the works in the near future, so pack your bags👝, don’t worry about short term price action, and lets go to The Island 🏝️
We’re getting a peak of the Island through the clouds ☁️⛅🌤️
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